As well as advancing in all areas, advancing technology and innovations have been observed in healthcare.

Hospitals provide 24/7 uninterrupted service as a response to advancing technology and efforts. Proper conduct of the entire process is critical to ensure healthcare delivery.

The provision of materials needed especially in hospitals is important for the quality and speed of the service provided. Therefore, one should not ignore the fact that purchasing operations in hospitals are at a critical point.

Whether you are a manufacturer or a wholesaler or a retailer, there will be some outsourced materials for each organization. It is necessary to provide the components/devices necessary for maintaining the service equipment or operations. The same applies to hospitals.

The pharmaceutical warehouses, medical supplies, medicines and medical devices are procured from other companies. While purchases for hospitals may appear as in the background, they are effective and necessary in order to reduce costs and provide a more effective service.

In order to sustain healthcare services without interruption and keep up with the change process, purchasing in hospitals plays a significant role. The Ministry of Health resolutions in this regard aim to create a common awareness among personnel and reduce costs. For instance, the number of materials used in hospitals can reach between 5,000 and 10,000, supply time is also of great importance for human health.

"All procurement procedures under the Public Hospitals Association are carried out in accordance with the current laws, regulations and circulars. The primary basis for the procurement of public hospitals is the provisions included in the Public Procurement Law No. 4734, as in many institutions." 1. 1

Private hospitals are also subject to the same law for purchases.

Procurement Decision-Making Process in Hospitals

As in all businesses, bids are accepted from suppliers who have been previously worked on and satisfied for purchases in hospitals.

Additionally, new suppliers that sell the equivalent of the desired product shall receive proposals and all bids shall be evaluated within this context.

A table is created for the incoming quotations and the quotations are sorted. The delivery date, price and amount are also stated in this table. For large orders, suppliers may be asked to provide samples. These samples are examined to get an idea of the product quality. If samples are approved, manufacturers should be asked to submit a final proposal.

With the receipt of final bids, a list of bids is submitted for review by the hospital management. Management; will make the final decision by selecting one of the options, such as approval, review or rejection. During the approval process, one of the bids will receive approval and the product will be purchased.

During the review process, despite the fact that bids are not liked, negotiations continue and new suppliers are sought. In case of refusal, the purchase will be completely canceled.

Once approved, a return is made to the product for the desired quantity. It is recommended to keep the order document, contract and bid forms (if any). The quality, quantity, name and type of products purchased must be clearly stated. It is recommended to purchase products through catalogs.

Large number of documents and materials in the management of purchasing processes in hospitals can make the process complicated and hard to follow. Leveraging purchasing software for this will help you make more efficient progress.

The SmartProcure consists of integrated systems that allow you to monitor all your transactions through the convenience it provides when purchasing in hospitals. As we mentioned earlier, you can monitor costs for purchases totaling millions per material, and prevent unnecessary expenses.

With SmartProcure Software, where you can gather all the units, purchasing is a breeze!


Strengthen your acquisition with SmartProcure

Experience successful purchases by covering all processes

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