Stories make things and people valuable. The same goes for the story of the purchase. Stories make purchasing valuable.

Buying and selling oneself is something that is frequently done in business life. What is appealing is focusing on the real numbers that illustrate the values; maybe it is better to take a more creative approach.

Marketing teams tended to use stories to raise their profiles, not statistics, and that was something that purchasing could definitely adopt.

According to a study conducted in St Louis by the University of Washington, the human brain is more enthusiastic when reading stories because the human side of the situation is driving people to connect more easily with information.

There's an art of storytelling, and if the buying story is true, then that's the way to get more recognition for the rest of your business.


1. There’s a Beginning and End

Like any good story, you have to find a beginning, an middle, an end. A story with no structure runs the risk of losing audience and missing out on vital information. The purpose should be to show a problem solved by purchasing or a situation that adds value to the business. Start with Problem (start), then continue with what the team does to get through (develop) and finish with a positive result (end).

2. Be Customer-Oriented

Whatever the story, keeping the audience in mind is essential. Customers like to be cared for.

For example, if you are presenting your story to a business function, such as finance that focuses on numbers, it is better to focus on how the angle of the story affects the revenue of supply or how savings are made on supply. If it is marketing, the focus should be on service. Start with the customer and we will shape the structure of your story in your mind.

3. Keep Things Simple and Honest

If it does not serve a purpose, there is no need to use extremely complicated language. Keep work simple and tailored to the audience. Simplicity will also save you from exhaustion and extra time and money. Besides, the best stories are the honest ones. Don’t be afraid to share the struggles or mistakes; If something is wrong, these will attract more attention from the reader.

While it may not appeal to a shareholder or internal staff member at the workplace, the power of a good story is something that can turn into an advantage and use it to prove the value of the purchase to the work.

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