Excellent Delivery Management

Make Sure Your Deliveries Are Complete With Just One-Button

Deliver in Parts

Check in the details of the materials received from your supplier, and fully manage your delivery process. You will be able to view your delivery on a per materials, order, supplier, and claim basis and report your underdelivery orders quickly.

Unlock Your Invoices

SmartProcure will provide you with ease of payment and invoice tracking. You can view the invoices for all your purchase operations, make detailed searches with advanced filtering. You can stay on track at any time with an Alert System that has been invoiced but has not yet overlooked your delivered orders.

Don't Miss Out on Unit Prices

You can automatically see the difference between the unit price and the invoice price in the contracts you have made in the purchase process.

Have you met the features of the Delivery Tracking Module?

What About My Delivery?

Improve productivity and capacity by momentarily managing the process without errors as your orders go through to their receive.

Using Search and Filters

List your deliveries according to the parameters you want and accelerate your management process.

Delivery Reports

Reports on material or products related to your shipments can be quickly made, as well as downloading your delivery documents to the system.

Approval Mechanism

Edit your communication and co-ordination processes by digitizing your delivery processes according to your existing approval hierarchy. Confirm your shipments and resume your manufacturing from where you left off.

Invoice Tracking

Comply your deliveries with incoming invoice types, complete your purchase process with no errors.

Discover Order Management >>

Material-Based Delivery Tracking

You can check your delivery process for materials. You can therefore increase delivery performance so that you can maintain production continuity.

Discover Material Management >>

End-to-end Delivery Tracking

Don't think about when delivery will be made

You can best keep order by checking for and reporting on your delivery in time, and on time.

Select your location of delivery

SmartProcure allows you to choose which location your delivery will take place. You can set up a results-oriented process strategy without having to mix the delivery places for your orders.

Material-Based Delivery Tracking

Discover Material Management >>


Keep your stocks up to date

By carrying out your shipments to the material, you can update your stocks and keep your manufacturing business from failing. So you can complete your purchase process without the most damage.

Minimize your storage costs

SmartProcure will minimize your storage costs by identifying your required material needs, enabling you to take precautions on resource shortages and maintain minimal inventory.

Don't you want a perfect Delivery Management?